Saturday, December 28, 2019
Gap of Inequality Between Social Classes in the United States
In the article â€Å"Confronting Inequality†, Paul Krugman argues that the gap of inequality between social classes in the United States is growing because of self- interest. He cites a â€Å"movement conservative†, Irving Kristol, who claims income inequality is not important because there is social equality. Krugman uses Kristol’s statement as a starting position to state his own. Krugman describes the claim as being a â€Å"fantasy world†and not the â€Å"real America we live in†(Krugman 246). I agree with his statement, many people were not aware of this issue five years ago, the fact that the upper class is gaining power. They have â€Å"their own virtual country†and â€Å"a separate economy†(Krugman 246). The upper class has many opportunities that prevent†¦show more content†¦The rich have their own well-off lifestyle and the other classes are struggling to even keep a home. The middle class buys houses that they ca nnot afford in order to try and give their children the opportunity to be successful. Many times these houses are close to desirable school districts that give middle-class children a good education. Unable to keep up with the payments, many of these new homes are taken away and middle class families file for bankruptcy because they have no way of making ends meet. Reducing inequality takes work and the United States barely lifts a finger. Krugman believes that a change should begin in the health care system. American’s health insurance is gone if they get fired or quit their job. Other countries such as France help unemployed individuals by keeping their health insurance even after they lose their job. The government does more to keep their people healthy than in the United States. The health care system in America is a problem because the upper class can afford procedures that can save their life. The lower class people, on the other hand, cannot help themselves and theref ore seek government help and support. They struggle to pay their procedures and worry extensively if their insurance does not cover them. The inequality in the United States is problematic and the first step in the right direction is to make health care accessible to all individuals. Self- interest in America is driving powerfulShow MoreRelatedHow Income Inequality Is Hurting America1271 Words  | 6 PagesHow Income Inequality is Hurting America Vermont Senator and presidential candidate, Bernie Sanders, said it best when he said â€Å"A nation will not serve morally or economically when so few have so much, and so many have so little.†This quote perfectly describes the issue that The United States is currently dealing with: income inequality. Income inequality is the gap between how much money is made by the rich and everyone else in the nation. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Do Social Deal Sites Really Work - 2112 Words
Case Study EXPERIENCE HBr.orG A theme park operator considers whether the boost in ticket sales is worth the trouble. by Marco Bertini, Luc Wathieu, Betsy Page Sigman, and Michael I. Norton The Experts Gideon Lask is the founder of BuyaPowa, a uK-based social commerce business. Do Social Deal Sites Really Work? t he sales reps from DailyDilly had just finished their rollicking video presentation, and the laughter in the meeting room was starting to subside. Ruth Davison, the marketing director of Flanagan Theme Parks, was still smiling when she finally spoke. â€Å"I’m thoroughly impressed,†she said. â€Å"This would give us the marketing capabilities we’ve always wanted.†Will Eastman, Flanagan’s operations director, was†¦show more content†¦Allie knew she could make Flanagan better. She had already helped an international hotel chain turn around its service reputation and improve guest satisfactionâ€â€she was becoming her firm’s go-to person for that kind of thing. Allie 140 Harvard Business Review May 2012 Buckle In was painstakingly attentive to detail and preternaturally decisive, which is exactly what Roddy wanted. â€Å"Rule with an iron fist,†he’d told her. Ruth pulled onto the highway. â€Å"I noticed you weren’t laughing during the video this morning,†she said. â€Å"Didn’t you think that senior citizen group on our zip line was funny?†â€Å"The video glossed over the pitfalls of daily deals,†Allie replied, knowing she sounded humorless. â€Å"There are ample case studies showing that people who buy from sites like DailyDilly are the worst kind of customers: ones with no loyalty. They’re like a flash mob of coupon clippers. They overburden merchants, create shortages, annoy the staff, and erode the experience for other customers.†She paused. â€Å"Where are we going, by the way?†Just then Ruth exited at the sign for Coral Wonderland, another Flanagan park. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Digital Marketing for Circle of Life Company- myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theDigital Marketing for Circle of Life Company. Answer: Introduction Company background and target audience online Circle of life is an organization that deals with telecommunication services and thus its interaction with customers is inevitable in this digital era. Its a fourth telco company which has defeated its competitors to the punch and provides its customers with extra choices outside the other three existing telcos (Tynan and Sally 2009). It enables interested parties to register their interests and also subscribe to its data plans on the available website. Many things separate it from starhub, singtel and M1. Circle of life is actually referred to as a mobile virtual network operator. Its a brand operating under the former Liberty Wireless struck with M1 in the past years. This implies its still building its own physical mobile networks but with a lot of dependence on lease from M1. This arrangement has made a lot of impact in the launch of circle of life (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). Therefore up to now the physical infrastructure is still owned by M1 however circle of life has all the f reedom when it comes to crafting its own services and plans. This explains why customer online experience is important in its daily operations. Literature review: Online customer experience promised experience Many companies are now interested at why things are happening and not just what is happening- there is the use of a wide range of methods by marketers to identify the issues experienced by customers and reduce the impact it has on customers. The most important methods include information from customers emails, calls made to customer care centers, online tools used to give feedback, usability testing and digital experience (Maklan and Klaus, 2011). The focus is therefore laid on getting the right blend of different methods to be able to identify and learn from issues. Poor navigation has been one of the issues raised by customers that use online means of purchasing. There is a greater focus on mobile experience with limited understanding-most companies have increased investments on the use of mobile channels and this indicates that investors in this sector understand the importance of mobile in ensuring there exists a excellent customer experience. this growth however comes with challenges for many businesses which are in need of understanding the impact of mobile use on customer experience (Mollen, and Hugh , 2010). The task is even trickier because the mobile devices are different and used in different ways. For instance the usage of tablets which are downtime devices can serve the purpose of a desktop compared to the Smartphone. There has been an issue of tracking the right statistics so as to know the customer experience on mobile use (Chang and Chen, 2008). Most companies only track the devices and platforms used by users that are mobile. Others track the value of the mobile visitors, some track the behavioral differences of different mobile visitors while others are only interested in the influence that mobiles have on online channels. The social listening tools have been seen to play an important role in online customer experience-many companies are of the idea that there is not only the value of positive customer experience that give more goodwill on social sites but also the reverse is true i.e. the companies also play a role in promoting this goodwill (Poynter, 2008). A valuable method of uncovering customer experience can be achieved through monitoring and analysis of the data on social media. Some of the tools that have proved to be effective include those linked to social media analysis/voice of the customer and also social or monitoring listening. Most companies rate tools associated with these activities among those playing key roles in online customer experience. However this rating is still at a lower percentage and this implies that most companies are not eliciting actionable insights that can assist in the improvement of customer experience (Hanssens, Rust and Srivastava, 2009). Customer behavior which is related to conversation is gaining more value-companies have limited understanding as to why customers leave sites or abandon purchases without any conversions. This is because many companies do not measure the difference found in conversation rates between visitors with issues on specific websites and those that do not have any issues (Rose, Neil and Moira Clark, 2011). Emotional values There is a lot of competition in the online means of business transaction which is growing with time. Customers do not just look for any shopping site rather they are also after experience. Its therefore necessary for web site holders to find means of getting their customers attention away from big and already established companies to theirs (Gentile, Spiller and Noci, 2007). This can be achieved through various ways The business/ website owner needs to identify personality of their own brand- for any upcoming business person there is need to show the customers their unique personality that will attract them to their products. One is supposed to show their customers how they do their business. One should identify that one unique personality that easily speaks to their customers. This should then be part of everything they do on their site (Gentile et al., 2007). For instance, Man Crates has a unique brand which is manly and its theme is crates of goods. Once one accesses their help page they are met with a graphic which has a fist that is holding a crowbar and the caption reads try harder (Frow and Payne, 2007). Such a unique feature fits into the companys personality well. Make it a habit of proof reading the websites content before making anything available on your website; its advisable to proofread the content first. In this way you can win the trust of your customers because youre sure of the content that is made public. Any signs of spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and poor sentence constructions are often a negative signal to the customers who tend to think the business is not legit (Kim and Eunju, 2012). Its good to use available online tools so as to get the best out of your contents spelling errors can easily be highlighted using sites such as proofread bot. the content can also be proofread by a professional such as the UK writings. Make an improvement on your emails- always rethink about the communication between you and your customers and work towards improving on any complaints raised by the customers. Your emails should be friendly and encouraging for customers to seek your goods and services repeatedly (Lemke, Clark and Wilson, 2010). Therefore clear and important information should always be given. The automated emails should always be rewritten to suit the customers demands. Engage someone in the review of your products-product reviews are often trusted by customers because they offer descriptions on how the products work. Such reviews attract more customers to your site. Product reviews grow with time and how much you are selling in terms of products purchase by customers. In such early stages of businesses professional writers such as boom essays can be used to improve on the product reviews (Lemke, et al., 2010). This is because they are good at creating personal reviews that are genuine regarding your products. Always be genuine- in real life shopping a customer is often happy with employees that have a happy and welcoming gesture and this also should be applied while doing online transactions with your clients. A friendly attitude can be identified via the communication being done and this is likely to ensure that the customers remain loyal and shop with you for ages (Klaus, 2013). Rational values The interaction between a customer and any organization that is of a business relationship is called customer experience. This interaction may be discovery, awareness, advocacy, purchases and cultivation (Hanssens et al., 2009). Its an important part of customer relationship management. Any customer who has a positive experience with a business is of no doubt meant to stick to the organization and be loyal. Customer service is one aspect among the many aspects of customer experience (Rose et al., 2011). no business can exist minus customers and this explains why companies focus much resources on wining new customers and retaining loyal customers. There are different ways of creating an online customer experience strategy and they include but not limited to, Creation of clear customer experience vision- this vision should be clear and easily understood by the customers. It should be available on the companys webpage. It should be customer focused that can be communicated in the company as well. A set of statements should be created to act as guiding principles (Pentina, Victor and Xiaoni 2008). Understanding the kind of customers you have-the customer experience principles can be built by bringing to life the different customers that youre dealing with. Be able to understand customer needs and wants. To achieve this one needs to create customer personas which can be used to easily identify customers by their profiles. This enables the company to be customer centric (Pentina et al., 2008). Creating a connection that is emotional with your customers-the common phrase its not what you say but how you say it means a lot in business community. To achieve good customer experience online an emotional connection has to be created between a customer and the company. Its known by research that more than 50% of any experience is usually based on emotions because our emotions shape the attitudes which are used to make decisions (Tynan and Sally 2009). Customers that are emotionally engaged online are likely to recommend your products to other clients, are likely to re purchase your product, are not likely to shop around for comparison and are fewer prices sensitive. The company should capture the customer feedback on time-the feedback can be captured via post interaction surveys by use of tools that are automated through calls and emails. Its advisable to make calls to customers so as to gain feedback that is insightful (Kim, Weihong and Kyung 2008) A specific customer support agent should be tied to a given customer feedback for satisfaction. A quality framework needs to be used for the team development- this framework is used to develop training needs for each member of the company that is assigned to the customers to offer support. The quality of email and phone communication has to be assessed and the assessment is to be taken one step further through tracking the teams and scheduling all activities through eLearning, coaching and training (Maklan and Klaus, 2011). Regular employee feedback has to be acted upon in due time-instead of doing annual surveys on employee feedbacks its advisable to use tools which allow staffs to share different ideas on ways of improving online customer experience and this will enable managers to see the feelings of its staff towards the business operations (Kim et al., 2008). Based on traditional means of marketing the company may not be able to reach all the clients within their vicinity and even from far unlike if they resort to using online marketing strategies. Recommendations: To the company Promised experience Always check and work towards improving your grammar-the grammar used at your website speaks volumes when it comes to the quality of your copy. Poor grammar can lead to poor understanding by customers concerning what youre trying to market. This may cost you many potential losses. Grammar handbooks such as Australian help and academized books assist in crosschecking your grammar (Grewal, Levy and Kumar, 2009). Make use of recommendation engines- this technique has been used by many online shops ad have been of great effect in their businesses. The engine gives recommendations based on what the customer is searching for and indicates to the customer what can be bought next (Klaus, 2013). This shows the customer that you are giving much attention to what they may need too apart from whatever they are purchasing at the moment. Be appealing to the emotions of the buyer- apart from working towards brand description a good website should also indicate what it can do for the customer. This is done by telling the customers the benefits of the products and how they can improve their lives (Grewal et al., 2009). This implies that your message should be appealing to heart and not just the head. This will get you more sales. The tone used should be of customer service- this is done as a replication of how you expect your employees to talk to you in a store. This therefore implies that a tone that is friendly and direct should be used in writing. The customers should know you are all set and at their service. Always offer an honest thank you once the customers buy your goods (Anitsal and Schumann, 2007). This tone is way much important compared to the web copy that is usually standard and is often seen on most stores. Always be impressed an enthusiastic with what you are selling- this will indicate to the customers that you care much about whatever is on offer on the website. The enthusiasm will definitely shine through and also rub off your customers if you really care about your business (Maklan and Klaus, 2011). Switching from outbound to content marketing-there is need for the organization to add value to their brands other than just highlighting their products and services as it has been the norm in the past (Kumar et al., 2013). The idea of content marketing brings in more traffic to your web unlike outbound marketing. The content on the website should be interactive-such content draws more attention to the organizations website and also increases their engagement on social media sites that are powerful. The content should be eye catching enough (Homburg, Jensen and Krohmer, 2008). Be willing to embrace upcoming social media channels-the organization should not only depend on the usual facebook and linked in sites they should also look and try out new marketing sites available online. These new channels such as snap chats will allow the organization to explore more methods that are creative in making their agenda public and well known. The content developed should be for real people and not just algorithms-the organization needs to step out of their box in which they create content that only highlights the blogs, company itself and business ideas (Hennig-Thurau et al., 2010). It should think of its content with the readers desires in mind, their needs, worries and fears. The audience and their needs should come first before the rank of their page. The organizations top content should be reused and repurposed repeatedly- there is need to constantly repost their top blogs with refreshing of titles as well as new visuals (McAfee and Brynjolfsson, 2012). They should not assume that their old clients have already seen the previously posted content. This also attracts new readers who have not had access to the content before. There is the need to set a goal- the organization needs to have its goals clearly stated before embarking on digital marketing. This implies they should not go into the digital world blindly because this can leave them in a jumbled mess (Mangold and Faulds, 2009). The organization should have a marketing funnel in place-this assist them in mapping out the journey of their clients and putting strategies in place that encourages clients to move through the channel swiftly. Emotional values Most businesses that are doing well in this competitive global environment have embraced the use of online platforms to reach their customers within shortest periods of time and therefore in this era geographical boundaries are no longer a hindrance to business transactions (Chang and Chen, 2008). This explains the need as to why people have to get a deeper understanding of online customer experience so as to improve on their goods and service deliveries. Regular employee feedback has to be acted upon in due time-instead of doing annual surveys on employee feedbacks its advisable to use tools which allow staffs to share different ideas on ways of improving online customer experience and this will enable managers to see the feelings of its staff towards the business operations (Kim et al., 2008). A closed environment can be created by use of social media tools where employees leave feedbacks on a regular basis. Carry out measurements on the ROI to see whether great customer experience is delivered- this is one of the biggest challenges that organizations face and this is the reason as to why many organizations use net promoter score that collects information that is valuable through asking straight forward single questions (Poynter, 2008). It is used as the standard benchmark for measuring customer experience. Its very simple to implement and use. Rational values Make use of the call to action image-this image enables or prompts the website visitors to subscribe to some of their newsletters, request products and services or even view a webinar with ease (Zhao and Zhu, 2010). Make use of lead magnets that are effective- this magnet should be used in line with the call to action image so as to easily get potential customers on board. This makes clients to be actual quality lead that freely spend their money on the services that circle of life offers. From the above discussion its evident that online customer experience is an aspect that has to be taken seriously by those in business because the customers needs have to be well net if anyone is looking at growing the business. Putting structures in place that fosters or strengthens online customer experience goes along way with the tremendous success that may be experienced by those in business. Circle of life just like any other organization depends heavily on digital marketing strategies to attract a wide client base considering the kind of business they are engaged in. Its now evident that mobile is becoming a focal point due the increased rate at which companies are investing more time in trying to understand the customer experience which is now multichannel (Lemke, et al., 2010). There is an extent to which companies are meant to understand the overall online customer experience across offline and online channels as well as the types of technology used in identifying and addre ssing such issues. Conclusion Its therefore recommended that they make various improvements on their social media use such as driving of traffics to their sites, making use of lead magnets and call to action images to better serve and satisfy their clients online. Its however evident that amidst all these recommendation the key one is having a clear goal in place so as to ensure the clients gets to understand what to expect in search of their services. In a conclusive manner customer online experience and digital marketing strategies are things that should not be ignored in this digital era of doing business if anyone wants to make maximum benefits. References Anitsal, I. Schumann, D. (2007), Toward a Conceptualization of Customer Productivity: The Customer's Perspective on Transforming Customer Labor into Customer Outcomes Using Technology-Based Self-Service Options, The Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, 15, 4, 349-363. Chang, H. H. Chen, S. W. (2008), The Impact of Customer Interface Quality, Satisfaction and Switching Costs on E-Loyalty: Internet Experience as a Moderator, Computers in Human Behavior, 24, 6, 2927-2944. Frow, P. and Payne, A. (2007). Towards the perfect customer experience. Journal of Brand Management, 15, pp. 89101. 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Real Student Advice on College Interviews
Got a college interview coming up but not sure what to expect? s have you covered. Sourced from 60,000+ successful application files, our college students share their college interview stories in detail, from common questions asked to tone of conversation, see how the interview impacted their admissions result. ajaxx513 University of Pennsylvania 20 My best interview by far was my phone interview. At first, I completely dreaded the idea of having an interview over the phone because I personally dont sound that enthusiastic or excited. I had no idea how to sell myself without being there in person. However, I found myself to be a lot more articulate because I wasnt sitting right in front of them, so I didnt feel nearly as much pressure. I sounded a lot more relaxed and didnt get as nervous because I called from my bedroom where I was comfortable. I actually had a lot more to say about myself and my interests being relaxed over the phone than sitting down with my interviewer. If your interviewer gives you the option of a phone interview, definitely do it if you get nervous meeting new people in person. Most common questions asked in my interviews: 1. Tell me about yourself. 2. Why led you to apply to X school? (Uniqueness!!) 3. What do you like to do in your free time? 4. What do you plan to study? Why? 5. What sparked your interest in __? 6. What clubs/organizations are you currently in? 7. What clubs do you plan to join at X school? 8. What are you plans after undergrad? 9. What makes you unique? One last tip: Try to show that you have a passion, without actually using the word passion. Stanford2020 Stanford University 20 No questions really caught me off guard because I had prepared roughly what I would say to the standard questions like Tell me about yourself, Describe your biggest failure and what you learned, Why this school?, What would you bring to this school? etc. I would suggest doing the same as a lot of these come up. There are lots of lists of common questions online. I would also recommend familiarizing yourself with current affairs issues, which didnt come up in my interviews, but have come up in some of my friends. Elite schools are looking for people who are intellectually curious and dont just study to get good grades, so it would look really bad if you had no idea what was going on in the world around you. They were also much more conversational in nature than I expected - I would often only be asked two or three questions in the whole hour because they would be interested by my answers and a natural conversation would develop. Lmelcher Columbia University 20 Harvard, Yale, and Princeton: Amazing interviews. Each was about 40 minutes long. There were no hardball questions in any of them. They would basically ask me about myself and why I wanted to go to their school. At the end, each of them said they would give a glowing review.Advice: Research the school. Thoroughly. Come armed with names of departments, professors, classes, lab facilities, everything. Treat each school like its your top choice. No alumni interviewer wants to feel like applying to their school was just a burden.Jpm13 University of Rochester ‘20 I interviewed with 4 schools, which I describe the experience and questions they asked below. Remember that each interview is different, and the best way to prepare is to really know what youre talking about. Be ready to talk about your high school involvement in great detaildont waste your time memorizing news articles just in case they ask you new-related questions. Overall, dont fret too much over the interview. Its not very significant. I have friends who had terrible (like absolutely terrible) interview experiences but still got into their top schools. The schools I had really good interview experiences with (Harvard specifically) I didnt get into. The best way to ace an interview is to be prepared to talk about yourself a lot. Ask yourself what you want interviewers to know. Dont be concerned about being funny or too boring. Youre not going to be accepted/denied because of that. Share your story and show genuine interest in the school. thefuzzhead1 University of Southern California 20 Keep reading books! Not just weak fictional tales with no depth (this includes Harry Potter for the most part, trust me). Try classic literature or even nonfiction, maybe follow the NY Times or some other stuff on top of it. Failing to get out of your middle school James Patterson-John Green-JK Rowling-Rick Riordan rut is bad. Practice the hard questions before the interview. Tell me about yourself. Why do you want to attend ___? etc. etc. You can rehearse (thats not the right word; what you say should not be the same each time. Just let if flow, dont have an exact script, but do have talking points, like a bulleted list or flow chart) in front of a mirror or with another person. Or even a group - that wouldve helped with my Jefferson Scholars interview.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
The Schools Donation free essay sample
The donation money graciously given to the school should be used on adding honors and courses to the high school curriculum. An honor’s course is a class that can be taken through the school, a college level class giving the student who completes the course to receive double-credit. The student will receive high school and college credits. The student will be given a certain number of credits helping the student get some high school credits out of the way. The student will also receive college credits, giving them the opportunity to get a head-start on their college career; while saving money at the same time. Adding honors courses is the best way to use the donation money to benefit the most people. Many schools these days are offering their students more than just the basic classes. Today’s world demands more from kids and these honors courses will challenge students into becoming better and brighter people. We will write a custom essay sample on The Schools Donation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The students will benefit so much from challenging themselves. These courses are given to add depth to the curriculum by giving students the opportunity to pick classes that meet their interest’s and needs. Some students know what they want to be when they leave high school and others don’t; either one is okay, but these courses either let the student start on getting that occupation or allows them to explore and find things they excel at. These days’ kids want to be independent. They want to choose their own path and not listen to Mom and Dad. The student can sort of decide want skills they have and maybe discover something they didn’t even know they liked or were good at. These courses offer such a wide range of possibilities that a student can learn about. You could take a course in areas of English, Business, Math, Social Behaviors, Technology, even Mechanics, and Biology. All of these would give you an advantage taking these courses in high school will look really good on an application for college. The donation money would be a great investment in the honors courses. The cost of adding honors courses depends solely on the cost of that particular class. Each class will be different, but you can count on buying books for every class. The other cost is the teacher; if the course it taken on-line through a college a teacher will be provided, but otherwise a teacher knowledgeable on the subject will have to teach it. This will give a few teachers the opportunity to make some extra money or allow for a couple teachers to be hired. Not all cost is bad. There is one aspect of the cost of these classes that is a good thing. That is the cost that the students will save by taking these courses in high school. College tuition is not cheap, but you can get some of your general classes that you have to take in college out of the way and get closer to earning your degree. There are students who work very hard their whole academic career, and there are those that don’t. I think those students who do work hard should be rewarded for their efforts. These courses will also be a lot more challenging for the student and the grade could be worth more than a normal high school course. This would reward a student who has challenged themselves by being worth more for their total GPA. Our current GPA scale is 4 points for an A, 3 points for a B, 2 points for a C, 1 point for a D, and no credit for an F. â€Å"The GPA scale for an honors/advanced placement course would be 5 points for an A, 4 points for a B, 3 points for a C, 2 points for a D, and 1 point for an F.†(â€Å"Participating in Honors Courses†). The weighted GPA scale would reward the students who worked hard. It would also give a student who may have slacked off a little a chance to redeem themselves by taking harder courses and making up points on their GPA. I know that I had a semester that I became lazy and earned a couple C’s and regretted it. If I took a couple courses such as these I could maybe redeem myself to get a much higher GPA. This increases the chances for scholarships and other academic awards helping one’s college career. As you can tell, there are so many reasons that this is the best choice for the use of the donation. Everyone can benefit so much from adding honors courses to our high school. The students will receive a better education. The parents will be overjoyed at the accomplishments of their children. The school will receive praise and support from the community more than ever. Works Cited â€Å"Participating in Honors Courses.†23 February 2008. . Knott, Gail. â€Å"Online Course Offerings.†Mid-Plains Community College. 23 February 2008.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Who is Bell Hooks essays
Who is Bell Hooks essays Bell Hooks, whose government name is Gloria Watkins is a author, cultural critic, and feminist theorist that hails from Hopkinsville, Kentucky. Over the past decade she has written plenty of novels that aroused the souls of many African-Americans. Salvation: black people in love is one of her most recent attempts to educate black people on the importance of love, which she claims is what black people today are missing. I can see that her views are well respected, by all of the positive criticism she receives from people like Maya Angelou and magazines like Essence and the Black Issues Book Review. Moreover, in this novel she makes a lot of claims and most hold to be true. But one significant claim that is made by Hooks is that Tupac Amaru Shakur was and still is a negative influence on young black males today. In this essay I will challenge that claim. I believe that Tupac Amaru Shakur has had a positive influence on young black males today because through his music and writings he w as able to teach young black males to respect people like they would want to be respected, to constantly search for knowledge, and to always have self-esteem. Bell Hooks, as well as the mass media portray to us that black people are not loving, and that our lives are so burdened with violence and aggression that we have no time to love. She involves Tupac Shakur, an influential and revolutionary rapper/activist into this general statement. Due to Tupac and a handful of other rappers, young black men try to take on the image of being hard. Hardness, is usually associated with being nonchalant about life, rebelling against the social structure, and being violently aggressive at times. In the dictionary, hard means tough, unbreakable, and stiff. I feel that Bell Hooks definition of hard means incompetent, devalued and destroyed and that once they learn this way of life, they will ultimately become ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
The HIV Pandemic in the Black Community of Missouri Research Paper
The HIV Pandemic in the Black Community of Missouri - Research Paper Example In Missouri, HIV has been a thorn in the flesh for the community. St. Louis, the biggest metropolis in the state has one of the highest rates of HIV cases in the United States. KMOV, St. Louis leading Health Newspaper reported that more than five thousand people in the greater St. Louis area live with HIV with African Americans being the most affected social group. In 2010, 300 new cases of HIV sufficed. According to the State Health Department, over 75 percent of the cases affected African Americans. African American women were most hurt with 86 percent of the new cases victims being women (KMOV, 2011). This paper explores the problem of HIV in Missouri with emphasis on how HIV affects African Americans. The last section of the paper suggests the solution that offers solutions for the problem of HIV. According to Medicine Net, an online-based medical consultant, HIV is a virus that enters a group of specific immune system’s cells and kills them. With time, it makes the body to incapable of defending itself adequately from opportunistic infections. After about five years, the body stops manufacturing white cells. The white cells facilitate the body defense mechanism against diseases. With low white cell count, opportunistic infections certainly affect the body thereby affecting the body’s immune system. After a long period of incubation that can sometimes extend to ten years, the HIV causes AIDS. AIDS has no known symptoms because it works with opportunistic infections. The clinical manifestation of AIDS is a collection of opportunistic diseases. While some of the AIDS manifestations are severe such as TB, others are less severe and comparatively harmless like a common cold. There is no known cure for HIV although continued medical research has reduced the deaths ca used by HIV (Medicine Net Inc, 2012). Lyon & DAngelo (2006), documents some of the most common causes of HIV.
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Saint Thomas Aquinas and his influence on Western thought Research Paper
Saint Thomas Aquinas and his influence on Western thought - Research Paper Example Aquino has been considered by many as one of the major pillars of civilization in the west. His philosophy exerted much influence not only on the successive Christian theology, but also the philosophy of the west in general. One could only conclude that Aquino’s existence was needed at this time when Catholic politics and the events in the world needed great intervention (Aquinas and Regan 73). At this time, a decision was made in Vatican apprehensively where Aquinas was assigned the task of merging formally Christianity with carnal reason. Aquino was born in Roccasecca Sicily in a noble family of Mr. Count Landulph and Mrs. Theodora (Aquinas and Regan 22). There were expectations that Aquino would pursue his uncle’s (Sinibald) footsteps to the position of abbot in the Benedictine monastery. He started his education at five years of age in a monastery, and the later proceeded to Naples University. While in this university, Aquinas chose to pursue the Dominican Order, de spite the fact that he faced much opposition from his family. The family even went to an extent of incarcerating him in trying to compel him to follow the family footsteps. However, their efforts failed following Pope Innocent the 4th’s intervention, propelling Aquino to the position of a Dominican monk by 1242. He later studied briefly under Magnus A., then later in Paris. While in Paris he vocally distinguished himself during the University champion Guillaume de St. Amour (Aquinas and Gilby 137). After his graduation from the university in 1248 with a degree in theology, he got back to Cologne and started his literary works. Aquino was described as a humble, peace-loving and simple man who loved poetry. Aquinas and Regan (63) assert that through his great learning and personality, he maintained a great deal of self control which saw him win over his rivals. He even refused to take part in an activity known as flesh mortification, a requirement for every Dominican Friar. Fur thermore, he also declined to hold some prestigious positions such as Naples’ Archbishop. He later went back to Naples with the aim of implementing a program of theological studies in the Naples University neighborhood in 1272. During St. Nicolas feast in 1273, Aquino had a vision in which he had a voice speaking to congratulating him for his great writings. The voice asked him for the reward that he wished to be given and Thomas said all that he needed was God himself (Aquinas and Regan 92). From there henceforth Aquino wrote no more. Earlier on, the Paris Bishop had condemned Aristotle’s teachings which were offered in the university, which also aimed at Aquino’s teachings. Gilby and Aquinas (15) explains that later in early 1274, Aquino left for France on a Second Council mission, but died before reaching there after falling sick shortly. On sensing his death, Aquino said that, that was his eternal rest and he had chosen it. St. Thomas Aquinas left back great works that can never be forgotten. His works were first condemned after his death by the Paris Bishop and there was an excommunication of Aquinas in posthumously. It took quite a number of years for his reputation to be revived; in the mid 15th century, his works were revived and taught throughout Paris, and at this time he was termed as the Dr. of the church (Aquinas, Regan and Baumgarth 140). In the contemporary societies, he is recognized by the Catholic Church in particular as the grand theologian philosopher. His works and their influence on Western
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Prepare a written business plan of (The Apple INC) on the Orbis Essay
Prepare a written business plan of (The Apple INC) on the Orbis database - Essay Example Apple has already launched its iphone in India using a marketing strategy wherein it launched its phones in eight Indian cities at midnight of August 22, 2008. As pointed out in an article printed from Wharton, Apple’s strategy in India was different from its launch strategy in the United States, where the company followed a different strategy. As articulated by Professor Peter Fader of Wharton: â€Å"Here in the U.S., Apple basically wanted to bust the market open all at once. So, they had all these people lined up all around the block, and when they flipped the switch -- boom! -- the market existed. In India, its almost like they are doing a test market.†( The launch was a small scale one and was carried out without much fanfare. This report will address various other marketing aspects of Apple’s strategy in India and recommend measures that could be taken in this regard. The development of the iphone is a relatively recent development in the electronics industry, which relies upon 3G networks in order to operate efficiently. The 3G generation of mobile networks is expected to complete the worldwide process of global communication (Lindemann et al, 2003). Mobile communication systems, if effectively provisioned and utilized, could provide a means to include a range of new services with different quality of service requirements, so that radio resources can offer a high capacity level of service over a planned coverage area. In a 3G scenario, RRM functions will play a pivotal role because they influence system efficiency and the operator infrastructure cost. In providing an optimum level of quality of service, two major aspects would be important, i.e., the network planning in terms of features such as the number of cell sites and their design and location, as well as the radio resource allocation or the manner in which the resources are
Friday, November 15, 2019
Reflection On The Management Of Care
Reflection On The Management Of Care This essay will present a reflective journal describing the different care requirements of patients from three different client groups undergoing surgery. I will describe the care of one of the client groups and subsequently compare and contrast the differences in their needs. This reflection will explore the strategies and skills for management used in the delivery of care to these individuals and demonstrate the team-working skills necessary for an effective working relationship in the clinical setting. I will show an appreciation and understanding of how to identify measures to protect and support wounds to provide optimum conditions for healing associated with current evidence-based practice. The modified version of Driscolls (2000) reflective framework will be used. The descriptive part of the journal can be found in Appendix1.These three client group will include the following: baby George 1 year old child., Helen 35 year old female and Damian 70 year old male. All names of the three clients groups mentioned are anonymous to maintain patient confidentiality (HPC, 2008) SO WHAT During the process of care to the above client groups I shared the teams desire to realise the best possible outcome for all of the patients. Interdisciplinary patient care requires common values, a common vision, and an understanding of teamwork with the ultimate goal of serving three difference clients group with wisdom (Ray, 1998).I also wanted to demonstrate recognition of the needs for Helen, Damian and George, and believe that they should be regarded as valued human beings who deserve the best care. Kumar and Hutton (1998) states that the responsibility of the theatre personnel lies in maintaining the safety comfort and welfare of the patient from the time he arrives in the theatre until the time he departs. In theatre environment one of my role was to act as Helen, Damian and George advocate through their journey thus ensuring that their dignity and rights was in the forefront of preoperative care (Wicker and ONeil 2006). Damian, George and Helen were of different age and had different surgery, according to their needs, their right to dignity, privacy and respect remained the same and the high standard of care delivered reflected that. In this situation George and other clients group privacy and dignity perioperative always been maintained and a warm blanket has be used to cover the child and other clients group until surgery commences (Woodhead et al. 2005). As a student ODP, I was responsible for the delivery of high standard of care for three different clients groups. The Health Professions Council (2008) states that registered practitioners must be able to work, where appropriate, in partnership with other professionals, support staff, client users and their relatives and carers. Whilst Helen was on the table I checked consent, wrist band and surgical side with the scrub practitioner, the surgeon and the rest of the team to ensure that right patient is presented for the correct procedure that all details and information are available, and that preoperative preparation is complete (Torrance and Serginson 1999). An agreed preoperative WHO checklist has been done by one of my colleagues to introduced ourselves and discuss our client so that we have a shared understanding of the patient condition and the operative challenge (or that it may be a straightforward procedure with no anticipated problems) (Wilson and Walker 2009). Evidence based practice has become an important part of the quality required within the peri-operative environment. All theatre practitioners are required to keep their professional practice up to date and there is also an increasing expectation for the practitioner to develop research based practice and to keep informed with regards to relevant research findings (Hind and Wicker 2000).The knowledge and skills were very important aspects for effective working relationship in the theatre to maintain safety environment individually for each of the discussed group. Health professionals should strive to ensure quality and safety for those in our care (RCN, 2003). For Helen and Damian I ensured the temperature was 22C and made sure that the warming device (Bear hugger) was placed over the top of their body to maintain and monitor their body temperature. Because of the potential morbidity associated with hypothermia and hyperthermia, it is important to monitor body temperature and to institute measures to maintain temperature as close to normal as possible (Townsend et al. 2004). However carried for George, I adjusted room temperature to 25C and warming device was also applied. Children have a higher surface area to body weight ratio compared with adults, and so they lose heat more rapidly. Neonates and preterm babies are particularly susceptible to hypothermia (Bingham et al. 2008). Torrance and Serginson (1999) state that the theatre practitioner needs to be aware of and monitor safety with regard to: safety transfer and positioning of the patient, pressure relief, skin preparation, asepsis, diathermy, swabs, needles and instruments. Transfer of and positioning Helen, Damian and George for the orthopedic surgery onto the operating table was carried out by the theatre team with extreme care and with regard for any previous injuries or limitations of joint movement (Torrance Serginson 1999). We were aware about the implications of inadequate movement in the above clients. Injuries can range from transient aches and pains and minor skin abrasions to paralysis and even loss of life (Beckett, 2010).Pressure reliving gels was provided to protected Helen and others clients aligned with pressure ulcers caused by long-term procedures. Unrelieved pressure on a specific area of the body will affect the blood supply to the skin and underlying tissues causing that area to become damaged (Hampton and Collins 2004). Equipment was selected appropriate to the age and individual requirements of each client. George compared with others groups of client required appropriately sized equipment which was used of all times, e.g.: diathermy plates, arm boards, specific pediatric table attachments for positioning (Woodhead et al. 2005). I made sure that sterile field consisting the scrub team, trolleys and the draped patient was maintained. Packets were opened and sterile items passed to the scrub practitioner in a manner that did not compromise the sterile field. As I was circulating I noticed that asepsis (or aseptic technique) was important and it involved all the practical measures taken to avoid ingress microbes to a susceptible site (such as instrumentation, theatre ventilation, and non touch technique), or to kill or remove them from that site (such as skin antisepsis and wound cleansing) (Quick and Thomas 2000). Aseptic technique was used during all invasive procedures for Helen, Damian and George in preventing surgical site infection from microbial contamination. During all groups of client operations the scrub practitioner used non-touch technique by passing sharp instruments such as blades or sutures on receiver so that the operating surgeon may lift them as opposed to passing by hand (Pirie, 2010). Instruments were placed in the neutral zone by the scrub person and then picked up by the surgeon or the assistant, and vice versa (Gruendemann and Magnum 2001). Once Helens operation was completed, I handed the necessary wound dressings to the scrub nurse. This also forms a part of the circulating role. It is therefore important that the scrub person or surgeon ensures that the correct dressings were requested to optimise wound healing. Bentley (2004) suggests that effective wound management and use of appropriate dressings should be based on an understanding of the healing process. Wound healing consists of four phases that overlap; these are inflammatory, destructive, proliferation and maturation (Nazarko, 2002). The steps in the wound repair process include inflammation around the site of injury, angiogenesis and the development of granulation tissue, repair of the connective tissue and epithelium and ultimately remodelling that leads to a healed wound (Gunnewitch and Dunford 2004). The roles of surgical dressings are primarily to stem bleeding, absorb exudates and provide mechanical and bacterial protection for the newly formed tissues (Aindow and Butcher 2005). As Dealey (1994) highlights, the surgeon is responsible for inflicting the wound, although the bulk of the responsibility for ensuring that the wound heals without complications falls with the nurse. Lay-Flurrie (2004) urges that theatre practitioner should have a good knowledge of the dressing properties characteristics and an idea of what is to be achieved. The use of an inappropriate dressing may result in damage to the friable and delicate tissue underneath (Lay-Flurrie, 2004). During this surgery I also learnt that the needs of each individual clients wound at any particular time after the surgery need to be prioritized as it may differ while it progresses through the healing process. The hospital where I was on placement used two main types of dressings for postoperative wound management, these fall under the following categories, fabrics and films. (Aindow and Butcher 2005).The wound dressing used for Helens right shoulder arthroscopy was Mepore (fabric) for a dry small incision compared with Damians total hip replacement; the surgeon used Opsite (film) for larger incision. Mepore incorporates pads to absorb the exudates produced by newly formed wounds. However while they form an effective barrier when dry, they can facilitate bacterial ingress when wet (Aindow and Butcher 2005).Opsite provides a barrier which prevents the contamination of the wound with extrinsic bacteria, including MRSA. As the wound is visible, dressing removal is unnecessary to inspe ct the wound. This further minimizes trauma and the risk of accidental wound contamination (Aindow and Butcher 2005). Ennis and Meneses (2000) state that, many chronic wounds such as pressure ulcers, take months and sometimes years to heal, becoming stuck in the inflammatory and proliferate phase of wound healing. Additional measures to reduce the risk of infection should be taken; these include avoiding unnecessary exposure of the joint implant for Damians surgery. Therefore it should not be removed from packaging until required. Extensive handling of the implant should be avoided (Eppley, 1999, citied by Radford et al.2004). DOH (2003) state that, wound care has a large impact on the total drug budget and it is important that limited resources are used wisely and effectively. The primary purpose of wound cleansing is to remove organic and inorganic debris before the application of a wound dressing, thus maintaining an optimum environment at the wound site of healing (Morrison and Wilkie 2004).Blunt (2001) agrees that wounds should be cleaned to remove foreign bodies, such as debris, excess exudates, necrotic tissue or slough all of which could become a focus for infection. NOW WHAT While working as a member of the multidisciplinary team, the importance and value of teamwork has become apparent to me throughout my training and I have learnt how good communication, skills and working together ensures effective patient care for the three different client groups undergoing surgery. I have been able to establish and maintain a safe working place by improved confidence which has led to an improvement in my competence. I believe that I have become a valued member of the theatre team by anticipated with the scrub team by passing appropriate instruments, sutures and wounds dressing to protected Helen and other clients from the infection and covered to maintain them dignity. It also demonstrated my ability to explore and critically analyze own responsibilities in the following area identify measures to protect and support wounds to provide optimum conditions for healing. The experience described enabled me to reflect deeper on my ability to support different groups of patients and as a result my commitment to achieve the best patient outcome. References: 1. Aindow, D.Butcher M. (2005) Tissue vability supplement. The British Journal of Nursing, 14 (19), p. 2. Beckett,A,E.(2010)Are we doing enough to prevent patient injury caused by positioning for surgery?[Online].Available at: [Accessed: 11 March 2010]. 3. Bingham, R. Lloyd-Thomas, A. Sury, M. (2008) Hatch Sumners Textbook of paediatric anaesthesia. 3rd Edition .Oxford: Oxford University Press. 4. Blunt J. (2001) Wound cleansing :Ritualistic or research-based practise ? Nursing Standard, 16 (1), p.33-36. 5. Department Of Health (2003).Supplementary prescribing by nurses and pharmacists within the NHS in England. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 19 February 2010]. 6. Driscoll, J. (2000) Practising clinical supervision. Edinburgh: Balliere Tindall 7. Ennis, W. Meneses, P. (2000)Wound healing at the local level: The stunned wound. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed: 18 February 2010]. 8. Gruendemann, B. Mangum, S. (2001) Infection prevention in surgical settings. Philadelphia: W.B Saunders. 9. Gunnewicht, B. and Dunford, C. (2004) Fundamental aspects of tissue viability nursing. Wiltshire:HA Healthcare. 10. Health Professions Council (2008) Operating Department Practitioners. Standards of proficiency. London: HPC. 11. Health Professions Council (2008) Standards of conduct ,performance and ethics.[Online].Available at:,Performance+and+Ethics.[Accessed:01 March 2010]. 12. Hind, M., Wicker, P. (2000) Principles of perioperative practice. London: Churchill Livingstone. 13. Lay-Flurrie (2004)Wound management to encourage granulation and epithelialisation. Professional Nurse, 19 (11), p.26-28. 15. Meltzer, B. (2001) A guide to patient positioning. [Online]. Available at: 16. Morison, L, G. Wilkie, O, K. (2004) Chronic wound care:a problem-based learning approach.London: Mosby. 17. Nazarko, L. (2002) Nursing in care homes. 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell Science. 18. Pirie, S. (2010) Introduction to instruments. [Online].Available at: [Accessed: 1 march 2010]. 19. Quick, C.Thomas, P. (2000) Principles of Surgical Management. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 20. Radford, M. County,B. Oakley, M. (2004) Advancing Perioperative Practice. Cheltenham: Nelson Thornes Ltd. 21. Ray, M, D. (1998) Shared borders: achieving the goals of interdisciplinary patient care. American Journal of Health-System Pharmacy, vol. 55, issue 13, p.1369-1374 AJHP [Online].Available at: /55/13/1369 [Accessed: 6 March 2010] 22. Royal College of Nursing (2003) Clinical Governance:an RCN resource quide.London:RCN. 23. Scott, E.Earl, C.Leaper, D.Massey, M.Mewburn, J.Williams, N (1999) Understanding perioperative nursing. Nursing Standard, 13(49), p.49-54. 24. Torrance, C .Serginson, E. (1999) Surgical Nursing.12th Edition. London: Harcourt Brace and Company Limited. 25. Townsend, M, D. Beauchamp, D .Evers, M. Mattox, K. (2004) Sabiston textbook of surgery.the biological basis of modern surgical practice.17th Edition. Philadelphia: Elsevier Saunders 2004. 26. Wicker, P. ONeil, J. (2006) Caring for the perioperative patient. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. 27. Wilson, I. Walker, I. (2009) The WHO Surgical Safety Checklist: the evidence. The Association for Perioperative Practice,19 (10), p.362-364. APPENDIX 1 WHAT During my placement in the orthopaedic theatre, I took the role of the circulating person for the first operation on the list that day. Helen (pseudonym) was 35 years old woman, and was having right shoulder arthroscopic surgery. Before Helen arrived in the theatre, I took great care to ensure the operating room had been cleaned and had all the equipment and instrumentation for the procedure available. I adjusted the temperature in the theatre to 22 c and humidity between 40-50% .Next I helped the scrub nurse with gowning and gloving. I followed aseptic technique and opened relevant sterile packs, pouring lotions and I did the first swab, instrument and needle count with the scrub person so it was recorded on the board. When Helen arrived into the operating room on a trolley, I made sure there were enough members of staff to safely transfer the patient from the trolley onto the operating table using a pat slide ensuring that the patients dignity was maintained. The anaesthetist took responsibility for the patients head, neck and airway, and co-ordinated the team as the patient was turned. Helen was placed in the left lateral position with her arm placed in traction for better access to the shoulder joint. Before the transfer I ensured that the doors were closed and patient was not exposed unnecessarily and during the positioning of Helen my role included a final check, to make sure that patient was appropriately covered and ensured pressure reliving gels were placed under her left shoulder, buttock and heel. Whilst Helen was being transferred from the trolley onto the operating table adequate padding was provided and body alignment was maintained. She was secured with a strap and the lower arm adjacent to the head. I checked the patient consent, patients wrist band and surgical side with the scrub practitioner the surgeon and the rest of the team. The WHO checklist was read out loudly by one of my colleagues to identify any problems and concerns from anaesthetic and surgical side (blood loss, ASA grade).Additionally, a pneumatic compression system (flowtron boots) was employed prophylactically against deep vein thrombosis, the diathermy plate electrode was attached and bear hugger a patient warming device was positioned. When draping was completed I adjusted the light and assisted with connecting the monitoring equipment, and positioning the diathermy machine and suction tubing around the operating table so that they did not compromise the sterile field .I ensured that electrical cables were secured. I completed the patient care plan, and filled out the pathology form for the specimen ensuring that the form bore the patients label containing details of the patients name, address, date of birth, NHS number and patient number. During the surgery I anticipated the needs of the surgical team, especially carrying out the instructions given by the scrub person. I counted needles, blades, and instruments and compared the count with the board.One of the theatre practitioners measured and informed the surgeon and anaesthetist about blood and fluid loss recording it on the board. Under the direction of the scrub practitioners I collected the specimens into the specimen containers, labelled with the patients label which included the name of the specimen which was confirmed with the surgeon. I did the final count of the swabs, needles and blades and instruments then handed the surgeon the necessary wound dressing. Once the wound was appropriately dressed all team helped to remove the patient drapes and transfer her to the supine (position lying on the back) on the trolley. Using a blanket I covered the patient. I signed the operations register with the scrub practitioner at the end of the operation. When Helen had gone to the recovery, I started to clean and prepare the theatre for the next case.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Biography of Edgar Allan Poe Essay example -- Biographies Edgar Allan
Biography of Edgar Allan Poe Many authors' literary works are often influenced by their own personal life experiences. Among these authors is Edgar Allan Poe, one of the most inventive writers of prose and poetry in the nineteenth century. The juxtaposition of Poe's life and work is most evident in the morbid personalities and melancholy themes of his literary compositions, similar to those of his life. Edgar Allan Poe was born in Boston, Massachusetts on January 19, 1809. His mother, Elizabeth Arnold Poe, had been widowed at eighteen, and two years after his birth she died of tuberculosis at the age of twenty-four. Poe's paternal grandfather had been a wealthy man, but his father, David Poe, had left the family to become an actor, and Edgar was left with nothing. When his mother died, John Allan, a Richmond tobacco merchant, at the urging of his wife, Frances Allan, adopted Edgar. She was devoted to Edgar, and in his childhood he enjoyed a security that was never to be his again after he left home. In 1815 John Allan took the family to England in the hope of furthering his business. During the next five years Edgar attended various schools, the most significant of which was the Manor House School at Stoke Newington. The gothic atmosphere of this school provided him with many details he was later to make use of in his fiction. He wrote about his impressions of the London school in a story called "William Wilson". (Meyers, 1992, p.12). During the fall of 1823, when Edgar was fourteen years old, his classmate Robert Stanard introduced Poe to his mother, Jane Stanard, who was a beautiful and compassionate young woman. Edgar became devoted to her. He called her Helen, which to his ears sounded far more... ...7, 1849, at 5:00am. (Meyers, 1992, p.254-255). Edgar Allan Poe's deplorable life was filled with unfortunate calamity, endless tragedies, and pathetic misery, which inevitably led to his pessimistic view on life and obsession with death. His personal mind frame is automatically conveyed in his essays, which for him was a primary form of expression. Thus, a strong emphasis on somber despondency has proven to be a thematic element of his literary career. Bibliography: Works Cited Krutch, Joseph Wood. Edgar Allan Poe. New York: Alfred A. Knopp, 1926. May, Charles E. Edgar Allan Poe; A Study of the Short Fiction. Boston: Twayne's Publishing, 1991. Meyers, Jeffrey. Edgar Allan Poe; His Life and Legacy. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1992. Poe, Edgar A. The Complete Tales of Mystery and Imagination. New York: Octopus Books Inc., 1981.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Summary McDonald’s announced last week that calories of all its food will start showing on in-store menu boards. The question is why McDonald’s did this so fast. (DM) Even it is part of President Obama’s health-care law in next two years. (EMP) In this transparency age, Companies that are open and honest get rewarded for it, even if they are not perfect. Those that try to hide negative things will be slammed. (SRB) Nowadays, consumer wants companies which is honest and open, it means the band names are much important than the quality and price of their products.It is important that corporations show the details of their products such as where they made, how to made, what material is used. Customers view the companies being transparency and honest. Regarding to McDonald’s decision making, it show their product details can let their customers consider whether these foods are unhealthy. Customers can choose the foods base on their favorite, calories and the t aste of foods. McDonald’s demonstrate their social responsibility to people and being more popular. As some small companies easier to afford human personality, they were benefit in the court of public opinion.McDonald’s is one of the company haven’t get this concept once; they try to avoid publicity and disclosure. But they try to make public themselves nowadays. Before they implement this policy, they lack of transparency. So, they provoke a lot of online blogs and postings form anti-McDonald’s activists. They publicize McDonald’s good is a main reason why children obese. After they make public their calories, more people reduce to talk about their rumor. According to the article â€Å"McDonald's Enters the Age of Transparency†Posted by: Larry Popelka on September 18, 2012 from Bloomberg Business week.The McDonald’s announced last week that calories of all its food will start showing on in-store menu boards. in this case, it involve three management theories ; concepts. First, in view of the management environment concept, there are a changing of environment which McDonald's need to respond. Consumer wants companies which is honest and open in this transparency age. It is important that corporations show the details of their products such as where they made, how to made, what material is used. Second, is the social responsibility concept. McDonald’s increase their transparency.In order to, they clarify the rumor from public. The rumor include their products is the main reason why most of children have child abuse problem. They append the food label on the food packing. The aims of it is hope the public understand the element of the food. Finally, based on the decision making concept, the anti-McDonald's groups whose publicize its goods is a main reason why children obese is the threats of McDonald's, so they need to respond to it by analyzing options, and making determinations about specific courses of action. By following concept, these are the implications of McDonald's on management aspects.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Management Accounting Report of Emirates Airlines
Management Accounting Report of Emirates Airlines Introduction Accounting information is important to both external and internal users. Management uses the information for decision making. With appropriate information, companies make decisions which increase company’s competitiveness.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Management Accounting Report of Emirates Airlines specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Management accountants are responsible of advising an organization’s top management and policy makers on matters regarding finances to ensure there are effectiveness, efficiency and optimal use of resources. Airline industry, in the United States of America and the world is general, is highly competitive. There is an increased innovation of services and equipments. Customer needs have also changed. Emirates Airline company (mostly referred just as Emirates) is an international company which require decisions responsive to airline market today (Horngren, Srikant George, 2006). This paper looks into how management accounting can supply information for decision making. It will not get into deep analysis of the accounts but will touch on the important areas that management accountants have assisted the company. History of Emirate limited Emirate is the national carrier of Dubai, United States Emirates. It is rapidly diversifying to other countries and has over 100 destinations in over 60 countries. It is a sub-subsidiary of Dubai Investment Company, through The Emirates Group. Its head quarters are in Dubai. The company was incorporated in the year 1985 as an international flight company and made its first flight from DubaiKarachi on 25 October 1985. The company picked quite rapidly and in 1987, it had managed to secure eleven destinations. According to the company’s financial statement 2010, the company had a total of 36,652 employees distributed in different countries. The accounts also reported that in the year 2009/ 2010, t he load cargo increased by 12.2% to 1,580,000. Emirates face high competition from Virgin Atlantic, Qatar airways and Ethiopian Airways. In pricing its products, the company has three classes of passengers; business class, execute class and economy class. Economy class is the cheapest and execute class most expensive. The pricing depend on the services offered in a certain class and the level of comfort.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Policies are made after consultation with major parties likely to be affected by a certain policy. Parties consulted range from employees to competitor. Current top policy makers are, Maurice Flanagan (Executive Vice-Chairman), Tim Clark as the company’s President. The chief executive officer is Ahmed bin Saeed Al Maktoum (Emirates Airlines Company Corporate Website, 2010). Emirates Management accounting Financial and mon etary resources are limited. They require to be managed properly. It’s the mandate of management accountants to assists in managing such resources. Financial management is the major task of management accountants. They are mandated with the task of ensuring that financial decisions are made efficiently and timely for the benefit of the company. Financial management has two aspects; managing working capital and long-term financial decisions management. When a company’s working capital is well managed, it’s able to fulfill its short term financial obligations when they fall due. Long-term financial management is important to give a company a clear future goals attainment strategies and pathways. There is always a number of ventures that a business can make; however there is the best alternative, it is the management accountant which should advise on such issues. For example, management accountants should advise whether the company should invest in government bonds and bills which are certain and risk free but with low rate of return or invest in volatile shares which have a likelihood of offering high returns in the future but are highly risky. The decision of how to distribute the available fund can only be made more efficiently by the assistance of management accountant (Sullivan Sheffrin, 2003). Information contained in financial information is a summary of operations that have taking place in an organization. They cover a certain period of time. The main aim of a business is to make profits. Whether the company has a profit or a loss is shown by financial accounts.Advertising We will write a custom assessment sample on Management Accounting Report of Emirates Airlines specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More If the company is making a loss, it’s an alarm call to the management. Emirates, makes its end year accounts on 31st March. When the accounts are made they are discussed internally as well released to the public for their use by external users like shareholders. There are number of investments that the Emirates Airline Company is embarking on. They can be divided into human development (service investments) and infrastructure investments. Before a certain decision is made, management accountants must be involved. They are supposed to give information about the viability of a certain investment. When they are doing so they consider the returns likely to be received from an investment. When emirates want to make a merger or an acquisition, management accountant are involved in collecting of data and analyzing the prevailing condition to ensure that they make mergers with companies which will assist it attain its goals and objectives. When making airline mergers, the department looks into the countries that the other company can fly to. A merger should not be made to companies which fly the same route with Emirates. This information are fetched and provided by the management accountants. Acquisition is a tricky engagement; a company should calculate well. This is in determining the cost of acquisition to ensure that the company does not buy a company more expensive than it is actually worth. In modern businesses, there is an increase in social corporate accounting. This is where businesses are made accountable of their activities. What to invest in and how much to invest is a decision that management accountant of Emirate assists the company in. The department is responsible of going out, interacting with the people and recognizing need in the society that the company can assist (Dury, 2006). Different techniques in management accounting Budgeting Emirate management accountants are used in budgeting. Budgeting is making future financial decisions/plans; it uses past and current data of a business. It is a financial management tool that is crucial to ensure that the policy of going on concept in a business is adhered to. It lays a framework th at a company can work with in the future. Emirates management accountants analyzes past performance, present performance and predict the future operations. This assists the company to predict the future needs and make a budget.Advertising Looking for assessment on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Internal control Internal controls are check and balances in an organization aimed at maintaining integrity in the company’s process. It ensures that funds are not misappropriated and are managed for the good of the organization. This ensures that a company has better fund management. Management accountants are responsible of maintaining good working internal controls. Internal controls also assists external auditor in compiling their report. Working capital control Credit is almost inevitable in a company; there are debtors and creditors which the management must monitor and ensure they are operating well. In case of creditors, the company management accountant has the mandate of ensuring that creditors are paid according to the credit agreement. They should be paid in good time to create good relations with suppliers. With good relations, the company supply chain management is facilitated. In the case of debtors, the duration that they should keep the companies money should be stipulated by management accountants. Debtors are current assets which the business need to manage. Well managed debtor management system assists a company gets funds it requires for short term obligations. There are different sources of capital in an organization. They are generally divided into borrowed capital and owner’s capital. The choice of the financing method to adopt should be made with the assistance of management accountants. In Emirate, management accountants have the mandate of analyzing the available options of financing which include issuance of more share capital, taking a bank loan or selling some of its properties. Key management Accounting techniques recommended for Emirates Other than maintaining a robust management accounting system, the company should not ignore the need for knowledge management and business information tools as an addition of existing management accounting tools. When this information is made available in the company, it will assis t in making better and timely decisions. The quality and timeliness of a decision determines the competitive of a company. For example, there has been a move to low cost planes alongside the use of Jumbo planes. When the company maintains a pool of information on the market trends, it will be able to make decisions that are timely regarding what point they should engage in low cost planes and which routes should they use Jumbo planes. When a company maintains a rich knowledge and nurtures its intellectual assets, it gets a chance to orient and train new staffs more effectively. For example engineers maintained in the firm can use their pool of knowledge to show new employees on mechanical issues they can expect from a certain plane and how to handle it. Another example is in service delivery. Experienced hostesses are able to handle hostile passengers more effectively and thus the general service of the company increases (Weetman, 2010). Justification Knowledge management and busine ss intelligent strategies are new management methods which can offer supporting information to management accountants for better decisions. They will assist Emirates in overall improvement of its financial structure. Strength and weaknesses of the analysis The analysis was based on end year financial statements and notes to account. They are a summary of processes in Emirate Airline Company and thus when considered a total analysis of the company’s performance is undertaken. The weakness with this approach is that management accounting covers more than just the end year financial statements. For a deeper analysis, the research would have required the following; A framework of internal processes Working capital management structure Daily, weekly and monthly sales values The rate of management accountants staffs turn over Qualifications of management accountants. Branch accounts and Long-term liabilities agreements With the above a better analysis would have been made (Anthon y, Hawkins Merchant, 1999) Conclusion Management accounting offers crucial information for decision making. In Emirate, one of the world’s largest airline companies, management accountants are involved in almost all financial decisions to ensure that the company is effectively managed. The success of the company can be attributed to their team of management accountants. They however need to adopt knowledge and business intelligence tools in their accounting system. Reference list Anthony, R., Hawkins, D. Merchant, K. 1999 Accounting: text and cases. 10 the ed. Boston. McGraw Hill. Dury C. 2006. Management Accounting for business. London. Thomson Learning Emirates Airlines Company Corporate Website. 2010. Horngren, T., Srikant M., and George F.2006. Cost accounting: A managerial emphasis. Boston, MA. Pearson Prentice Hall. Sullivan, A. and Sheffrin, S. 2003. Economics: Principles in action. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey/ Pearson Prentice Hall. pp. 502. ISBN 0-13-063085-3 We etman, P. 2010. Financial and Management Accounting. New York.Wiley. ISBN13: 9780273718413
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Grendel essays
Grendel essays Grendel: The Fiend Grendel was a blookthirsty Ango-Saxon monster that represented all evil. He was known, all throughtout Denmark, for his horrific behavior and murderous appetite. However, nothing could compare to his razor sharp claws and overpowering jaws. Grendels behavior was like that of a savage. He was known as mankinds worst enemy. The bloodthirsty demon would kill anyone in sight. Therefore, no man was safe while Grendel was out. He would rip the bodies apart and feed. What he didnt finish, he would take back to his lair for a midnight snack. This behavior continued for 12 years, until one man was brave enough to stand up to him. Grendels behavior could have been motivated by many things. Perhaps his motivation came from within. It could be said that Grendel was born into evil, from the blood of Cain. His murderous appetite could be another reason he felt the urge to savagely destroy so many lives. Of course, the thought of being different could have driven him to do the things he did. Grendels appearance was as feared as his monsterous behavior. He had a powerful jaw that would kill a person in one bite. He had razor sharp claws that could tear a person in half with one claw. His firey red eyes and pointed horns gave him a develish appearance that was as mighty as his grip. Because of his looks, he was feared by most. Because of Grendels appearance, behavior, and motivation he was feared by many. These traits made him the typical Ango-Saxon fiend. Eventually, his evil was overcome by good. ...
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Globalization Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2
Globalization - Research Paper Example I support the concept of globalization because it helps a company to grow and expand its wings. The various ways by which globalization helps a company to spread widely are cited below. The process of globalization incorporates the regional economies, culture and society, through a global network of execution and communication which helps the company to communicate with a larger group of consumers. It refers to the reduction and removal of national barriers in order to maintain the flow of goods and services which as a result unites different nations It is a trend for the countries to move forward and join together economically. The concept is to view the whole world as one nation Globalization gives consumers an exposure to the world of various goods and services according to their need (Bergen, 2004). Recommendation for John and Deborah’s corporation From the inception of the business in 2002 till 2006, John and Deborah had made good progress. Due to the sub-prime crisis and economic slowdown in US, the housing marketing is facing setback, so the sales of furniture have gone down. They are also threatened from the high end brands that are marketing aggressively and also creating lines for the popular retail stores. Seeing this scenario it would be advisable that John and Deborah’s corporation should think of expansion to other countries. The company should proceed globally as they possess certain strengths such as in house designers, exceptional customer service and superior quality of furniture. As their primary source of revenue is from catalogue sales online, they can expand their business by stating on their homepage that the company welcomes inquiries from any country in the world. They should also mention that they are willing to ship outside United States. The company should diligently deal with the customers by using cash advance, letter of credit or using a freight forwarder. The pricing will be high if they exports as they are already dealing with expensive products. So they can consider alternative way i.e. to have manufacturing unit in the target market to meet their demand. As the company has in-house designer, so they will not face problem regarding the designing and also there is the flexibility of rapidly changing the designs as per the requirement of the market. At the same time they are providing the customers an exceptional service for which they are well known. Impact of globalization Due to globalization, the size and pace of trade and commerce is increasing. This is possible because of the dramatic reduction in communication and transportation cost. The expansion of trade is the one important aspect of globalization. Other major indicators that can be considered in this case are the foreign direct investment and growth of international capital market. The companies and individual have paved the way by which the organizations can cope up with the risks associated with foreign currency and interest rate . They can also make investments speculatively (Lerman & Schmidt, n.d.). Globalization has a positive impact in case of creating employment in different countries by giving rise to emerging industries, but certain demerits are there too. For example the developed countries dominate the developing or under-developed countries. The employees may have to move from one country to another due to globalization. In that case the workers
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